John 3:22 - John 6:21
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Delivered By
Kevin Huber
Delivered On
March 13, 2022 at 10:00 AM
Central Passage
John 3:22 - John 6:21
Ministry Attributes Part 2

John 3
Ministry is pro-baptism
Doesn’t over reach
Is about His reflection, Jesus, not us
John 4
Goes places and crosses social boundaries
Risks talking to others different from us
Takes the time to talk to others
Uses common ground to cultivate relationships
Christians practice Social nearness
Ministry gives us perspective on what matters
It is the giving of the gift of identity and eternal relationship
Ministry is a bridge to the spiritual
Ministry will satisfy us
Has no limits, anytime or place
Is done w/ spirit and in truth
Ministry is not worried about missing a meal. It will fast and sacrifice a meal when needed.
Ministry is willing to physically fast over spiritual nourishment for others. 
Ministry is about following God’s will over our physical desires. 
Ministry some reap, some sow, both are happy
Some Ministry is easy, some is hard. 
the work is more life sustaining and more important than physical nourishment. 
Similarly ministry has ups and downs. We don’t quit when things are bad.    
Ministry can work from a distance. 
John 5
Ministry shows concern for others
Ministry is not self serving
John 6
Ministry looks for opportunity
Ministry leans on God for success
When God is with us we can reach destinations much quicker