John 1 - John 3:1-21
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Delivered By
Kevin Huber
Delivered On
March 6, 2022 at 10:00 AM
Central Passage
John 1 - John 3:1-21
Ministry Attributes Part 1

John 1 
- Introduces Who God is to others
- Should always have a focus on eternity
- Is creative, like most innovations, it makes life better
- Is an act of Truth telling, God made us. 
- Should have an adoption mindset, welcome others into the family
- reveals Truth, like light, doesn't hide
- Should be performed with humbleness
- Is testimonial, we tell our story
- Points to Jesus
- Is Invitational, hospitable, and takes time
- Is about knowing others and them knowing us
- Is personal
- Is mind changing
- Brings knowledge and truth to cure prejudices
John 2
- Solves problems
- Knows who to seek for the right answers, Jesus
- Applies the right solutions to problems
- Is no affriad to do the right thing
- Is being willing to help, even when others aren't asking for help
- Needs have God's heart in mind
- Is thoughtful and meaningful
- Sacrifices
- Takes action
John 3
- Is often noticeable by the public eye
- Is focused on what is most important, rebirth, seeing the Kingdom
- Is effected by the Spirit
- Is patient and steadfast in trying to connect
- Provides answers to our biggest questions in life
- Is meant to save us thru belief in the power of the cross